International Aestheticistanbul 2022 Symposium is in Istanbul!
World Famous Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons will be in Istanbul for the ISAPS Approved 4th Aestheticstanbul Live Surgery Symposium.
Famous and valuable names of the world’s leading plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery will come together at Aestheticistanbul 2022, which will last for 3 days, at the International Live Surgery Symposium to be held at Fairmont Hotel Quasar, Istanbul on November 4-6.
This year, The 4th Aestheticstanbul Live Surgery Symposium, which Dr. Foad Nahai is the Honorary President and Dr Luiz Toledo will be the Co-Director, will host 23 live surgeries and 20 scientific sessions under the operator and moderation of 25 world-renowned surgeons.The 4th Aestheticstanbul 2022, which will take place in HYBRID, is preparing to host participants from all over the world, physically and virtually.
23 Live Surgery, 20 Scientific Session
For three days, Plastic Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgeons from all over the world will perform 23 different surgical operations including the latest trends of the period such as facial rejuvenation, rhinoplasty, body shaping, eyelid and breast aesthetics. In addition to the live surgical operations performed within the scope of 4.Aestheticstanbul, 20 scientific presentations will be held on the latest trends in plastic surgery and the newest techniques used in the world.
Aestheticstanbul will offer a hybrid meeting allowing participants who are unable to travel to Istanbul the ability to be a part of the live surgery aesthetics symposium through a live website.
Physicians for the virtual module will also receive additional access for 45 days to revisit lectures and live procedures at their convenience which will be chaptered into segmented components allowing for easy review for 45 days after the seminar is over.
This content is published with the media sponsorship of MarkerGroupe.com.