Outdoor Advertising in the UK

Offline marketing (Traditional marketing) channels are still considered by many masses today and have a great place in the daily lives of consumers.

Offline marketing is a term that includes all kinds of non-online marketing activities. Offline marketing; billboards, outdoor billboards, subway advertisements, local radio channels and magazine advertisements. Offline marketing channels are often used to target the local audience. The elements that make up the traditional marketing mix are known as price, promotion, product and location.

In the UK, traditional marketing channels are of great importance for consumers and local audiences. When it comes to entering the international market, you can take successful steps in the international market by creating an offline marketing strategy to ensure that you bring both your brand and your product or service to the market in the best way.

We have listed some offline marketing channels for you that you can influence the local audience in the UK.

  • Subway Ads

You can convey your message about your product or service to your target audience before and during the journey with the billboards in the metro stations and metro stops in the UK.

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  • Taxi Ads

With taxi ads, one of the most effective outdoor ads in the UK, you can carry your ads to every street of the city and make them see thousands of people.


  • Bus Ads

It allows your ads to reach the target audience while you are on the move or parked. Bus advertisements are very efficient to reach the final consumer in the desired region.


  • Billboard Ads

Billboards/billboards help you reach a wider audience and billboard advertising in the UK is a powerful marketing tool.


To learn about the services provided by Marker Groupe, you can contact us via the  MarkerGroupe.com  website or via the e-mail address [email protected].

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